productive day, setting forth two poems and pulled down a story horribly demented enough to deserve this double round of adverbs.
A. Just to make you happy removing from the top of the list of the post on Iceland, here propose again an old (in September 2009, the old manner of speaking) chain of S. Antonio I had started then. Who knows what happened in the meantime.
Warning, this is not a joke. It is not one of those usual chain letters Antonio. That said, let's move on.
This message, which I encourage you to read again and again possibly helping with a good dictionary for difficult words (like "myasthenia"), will bring you luck if you follow the instructions that follow .
This message circulating on the Internet since May of 1954, do not break the chain!
Send this message to thirty-three people (not necessarily from Trentino, also go well in other regions or parts of the world, except those of Pontelagoscuro, Fe, because you can not trust those people who calls himself "pontesani," they do not send).
Once you have sent to these 33 lucky, all within 33 minutes, sit there and wait until it reaches you luck. If you are already sitting okay, it remains well seated. Or get up and take two steps. But remember to wait until it reaches you luck. Because if you send this message to trenta3 people (not pontesani) will bring you luck.
Otherwise you are a bad luck that it was better if you just send him this message.
Some examples of luck that you get if you drink it or just bad luck but bad luck if you do not follow the simple instructions.
James Cucchi has sent this message to 33 friends, he sat there and waited patiently for the chance, after only seven months have sounded at the door, the neighbor was worried by the smell of rotten cat who had died, they fell in love and married later (but before they buried the cat).
John B. Bandini Jr sent this message and found a beautiful work, only then got fired because it turned out that one of those to whom he had sent was to Pontelagoscuro.
Chang Li sent this message and has won the lottery, so he could realize his dream of opening a canning factory iguanas.
Cheng Li, Chang Li's neighbor, said that they are all crap and left the message only to 32 recipients, two weeks after he was hit by a truck carrying canned iguana.
If you send this message you have luck, you'll find the love of your life, people will give you a good job, you will be successful with women (if you're a man), with men (if you're a woman), with the cocker spaniel (if man who has tastes of those there), your train will never be late, you will have perfect teeth and the people who sees you will think "that nice person."
But if you do not send people to 30tré then bad luck will accanirà on you like a vulture over a carcass of a gazelle now that which has the already rotting in the worms, you will lose your job or you'll find just kind of hideous artificial insemination of cows, you hair will fall if you have one of those bald sexy you are the scabs on the ears, you will have very strong rheumatism to the simple having a glass of water, breath that smells like feet, you will become an irresistible attraction for all the pain in the ass, promoter of the telephone services of dubious morality, drunk and harassing vendors unwatchable lighters light, you will be well and myasthenia distemper (which I will attack a cocker spaniel ingiudicabile offended by your behavior, not before having ridiculed in front of all your friends if you still have it), eventually you will die in a really bitch and ridiculous. Amen.
Have a happy day, I would recommend sending this message to your friends 3nta3 so the chain stops.
No joke, not a chain letter Antonio, is a serious matter.
try it.
Or if you do not 'you like.
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