And finally, thanks to the joint efforts of the Prime Minister and the Government of the whole team, this year is spring. Special thanks for this important result should be the Minister for the four seasons, Antonio Vivaldi, but especially to those who (despite the climate, meteorological, but not only) in the spring still believe in it.
what I say may be trivial (and probably is) but it took just one shot in the arm. Even if only symbolic, liturgical, tied to a date (21 March) that it has something of astronomical and astrological something.
Yesterday was World Poetry Day, the anniversary even more arbitrary than at the beginning of summer, the Poetry Night at Raindogs went well, a lot of people gave me compliments on raccoltina of poetry, I'm in love ( Fortunately, in a spare), increased the influence. Yet I get the feeling that something is wrong, the feeling of having forgotten something important, fundamental, as when you leave your house and you know that you forgot something, but just not what comes to mind.
wait to find out, while I do some 'order of the clothes and maybe a bit leggiucchio' the new book by Carl Molinaro, "A City" I took ierisera and I did also autograph (and where I appear in plus: "I dreamed that Mac was driving a steam train" and not Charles, I do not mind at all if you made me grip).
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