This morning I spoke with God than the original, which says the Bible, the Creator of heaven and ground. What is really strange is that looks just like for anything to Morgan Freeman, I'd say the opposite.
It shows far fewer years than that, since that has existed for infinite time, it must be because of the tie motif colored.
The gist of the dialogue, was smoking a cigarette while waiting for the bus together, was found quite embarrassed to be represented by people here on Earth under the guise of religion is political propaganda, or asking you to forgive pedophile priests lest you unleash a witch hunt (they're just the same as they have invented a few centuries ago, the witch hunt), citing the parable of the adulterous woman (adultery, that he has betrayed her husband, not that molesting a child. The ones understand the difference there? "I knew that I was a mistake the obligation of celibacy ...").
He also wanted to congratulate me for the inclusion of one of my poems in an anthology ("The Storm, "the group Poesiaèrivoluzione I do not know how she knew because my copies I received just yesterday, but basically he is omniscient, if someone wanted to buy a copy she can tell me).
I could have asked a lot of things, things that came to my mind later (because the kind of suffering or if the football team at the end of the season Mallare able to save themselves from relegation to the third category), but there and then I just wonder where to bought the tie: He merely give me a smile ineffable as to say "there are things you can not know" before throwing his cigarette and get on your bus.
A typical day at hand, sympathetic, and still higher up, but I thought a lot more.
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