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Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
One Night In Paris Clips Free
LE NUCLEAR MAPS FOR ITALY (source: Greenpeace)

"... we are writing for a major update in the nuclear field. If you were to go nuclear in Italy, would be very few areas that could host it! We have analyzed, in fact, three important maps , now forgotten, that reveal why the boot is absolutely unsuitable for nuclear power plants:
- a map of the CNEN (later Aeneas)
seventies - a map ENEA on the vulnerability of coastal areas to climate change
- a map to the location of a national repository for nuclear waste
Yesterday was approved DDL 1195 which gives the government six months to define the criteria for the location of nuclear sites. If these sites to determine the criterion of climate vulnerability is adopted, the old paper CNEN dovrebebro coastal areas be lifted and if there was also an indication of the seismic hazard, they would be very few sites on which to focus attention: in the provinces of Vercelli and Pavia, island Pianosa in Tuscany, province of Ogliastra, Nuoro and Cagliari.
today in the newspaper "La Repubblica" has published a dossier prepared on the basis of its diffuse nuclear maps from Greenpeace. The article sparked immediate reactions in the regions most at risk. Currently Sardinia, Puglia and Piedmont have expressed their concern is not available to host plants and nuclear waste.
We will continue to campaign against nuclear power and oppose this ill-fated choice of government. A few days ago we sent an email to the candidates in the forthcoming elections to know what to think of returning to nuclear power in Italy. We will update soon on their answers. As always, we count on your participation and your support! "
- a map of the CNEN (later Aeneas)
seventies - a map ENEA on the vulnerability of coastal areas to climate change
- a map to the location of a national repository for nuclear waste
Yesterday was approved DDL 1195 which gives the government six months to define the criteria for the location of nuclear sites. If these sites to determine the criterion of climate vulnerability is adopted, the old paper CNEN dovrebebro coastal areas be lifted and if there was also an indication of the seismic hazard, they would be very few sites on which to focus attention: in the provinces of Vercelli and Pavia, island Pianosa in Tuscany, province of Ogliastra, Nuoro and Cagliari.
today in the newspaper "La Repubblica" has published a dossier prepared on the basis of its diffuse nuclear maps from Greenpeace. The article sparked immediate reactions in the regions most at risk. Currently Sardinia, Puglia and Piedmont have expressed their concern is not available to host plants and nuclear waste.
We will continue to campaign against nuclear power and oppose this ill-fated choice of government. A few days ago we sent an email to the candidates in the forthcoming elections to know what to think of returning to nuclear power in Italy. We will update soon on their answers. As always, we count on your participation and your support! "
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Dirt Bikebirthday Cakes For Kids
Here is the story finalist organized by the cultural club "The Path of the Dragons", by which I could participate in the wonderful three days of Este. Happy reading!
Here is the story finalist organized by the cultural club "The Path of the Dragons", by which I could participate in the wonderful three days of Este. Happy reading!
"I met a girl ...".
"And it's pretty?" Francis said from behind the pages of the newspaper.
"Yes. Very, "replied the boy who sat in front. On the table covered with tablecloth clear plastic portion of his dinner was still intact.
Francis click the window with his finger sull'angolino holographic marked by a small X in electric blue. He downloaded the news important later, perhaps with last minute updates. He folded his hands and laid it quietly on the table. The beaker with his dinner was already empty. Had not noticed, reading the news. He looked his son straight in the eye, but with the air including the parent, for not in turmoil or anxiety.
"Well ... E 'in class with you? So maybe you know better, "Francis smiled. The boy smiled in turn: if it could, it would be blushing. "No, it's in 7f. I glimpsed only a couple of times sull'hoverbus. While reading ...", replied the boy bowed his head in his beaker. Francis let out a soft laugh, "Then you can try to talk, if you take your own hoverbus, no? ". The boy looked up: "I'm afraid to make a bad impression ... She is so cute and I would not look ridiculous ...". As in thought, grasped his beaker and swallowed a good mouthful of pastel pink fluid. Francis smiled again, "Do not worry. You try to exchange a few words, perhaps on courses and lectures. You know what it's called? ". The boy looked up by placing the beaker half-empty, "Jenny." Francis continued: "Have faith in yourself, honey. Do not be discouraged if you did not tried yet ... Tomorrow say goodbye and you'll see that it is a good start. " Francis looked at the boy in the eye for long, then decided that what he said his father was right: "All right, Dad. So I'll try ...". He drained the beaker in one gulp, and ran away to her room to connect to the game network.
Francis smiled and turned to Arianna, who meanwhile was putting the beaker in their dishwasher. The woman was slim and attractive without looking too deep into her green eyes. He remembered how he had known and thought of the dialogue that had just had with Marcus.
"is growing. Soon we will have to make him an update and a backup, "said Arianna without looking, while programming the machine and inserted the beaker again dirty dinner Marcus. Francis nodded gravely: "I will ask my boss for permission to take it to heart manipulation." Arianna turned, wiping her hands on a piece of absorbent fabric. The woman put down the piece of cloth into the drawer, where it vanished in a puff of ash after a second of silence, "Okay. You can do it tomorrow, right? ". Francis nodded: "I'll ask after the reading of eight. But now we go to sleep, I need to detach a bit '. "
The next morning, Francis took with him his son Marcus, reached hoverbus Center for editing and manipulation 081 and sat on comfortable upholstered seats hand. Besides, the boy looked out the window at the passing of the plexiglass buildings and endless green forests and meadows. Francis looked at him curiously scan the horizon in search of wild animals in that area was free and easy to find many. Francis called him back to show a buzzard flying high in clear blue sky, pure as a diamond. Marcus smiled happily.
After a few minutes of light flying at low altitude, they came in sight of the city: buildings that are perfectly identical, wrapped in ribbons of fluid with large gardens and climbing on the roof plates alternated with some rare metal and glass skyscraper. And between them, with wide avenues and airy, dotted with lawns and plants. All lindo and clean with no dirt and no mess.
Marcus looked up at his father and asked: "But the city has always been so?". Francis smiled and replied: "No, it was not always so. Centuries ago the city was uninhabitable piles of concrete and pollution, so extensive and so unhealthy that people did not want to live there. Now ... Look! There is indicated a deer ...", Francis. Marcus stood looking out the window and saw the edge of town a majestic deer stand proud in a field. Behind him, a whole herd graze.
Marcus smiled again, then turned back to Francis: "It 'was God?". Francis became serious and looked down as a sign of respect: "God came into this world centuries ago. He created all of us and gave us this world to bring it back to its glory. But when, many men did not want to hear, but ... They tried to destroy it. For them it was dangerous, and they began the war, long and terrible. They fought for decades and, after a century of destruction, God won, destroying them. Since then, as men had proved weak and poisonous to the planet, conceived and created us, his children. "
Francis stopped. Marcus had come to look out the window: a huge boom of a crane dominated the sky. The kidnapped boy was watching him, to the shape of corroded by rust and admiring the colors faded by time. Then he looked down on the roads, so wide that even though they were crowded with hundreds of people, it is almost empty. Francis continued: "That was one of the relics of the Reconstruction Era. The men first used them to build their factories and arsenals for war, then we used, new men, to build all this beauty. Now it is there as a monument for generations to come. "
Marcus nodded gravely, understanding the importance of the speech. Meanwhile hoverbus slowed and gently lowered to the street, where a platform illuminated by flashing yellow light indicates his landing area. Francis and Marcus got up and prepared to descend through the automatic doors. As soon as they opened, neat rows of men and women went down in both directions without colliding or hitting. Both Francis Marcus politely greeted everyone who crossed during the landing, and received the reciprocate with equal kindness.
Once restarted the hoverbus, Francis took his son by the hand and walked down the street. The air was crisp and the sky was now scarcely marred by some frayed white cloud. Marcus looked around curious about everything: the lamps, flower beds, the huge plants that adorned the traffic island, the rare and beautiful shapes of the cars that passed through road. Down the street, he saw a huge white dome, shiny and bright. Marcus pointed to and asked, "What is it, Daddy?". Francis stopped and leaned toward him: "And 'the Voice, our contact with God. Through it, God is watching us, communicates and organizes the city's life. " Marcus, now transformed into a well of curiosity, he returned to the attack: "But it is true that God knows what each of us? Where we are at every moment and every moment of our lives? ". Francis nodded: "What did you do before leaving the station dell'hoverbus?". Marcus raised his arm quickly, showing his tattooed forearm code: "I showed my ID code to the reader." Francis continued: "Through them, God knows what we do and where we are. So it can organize the activities of the city and all of us, the more we use them where appropriate ".
Marcus asked impetuously: "I could ask God to go into space and meet outside?". Francis laughed: "No, he decides who is right or not with various tasks. And then, the mission to the Outdoors is already playing for twenty years. The ship will have already reached the limit of the Solar System and will travel to Fomalhaut. Marcus looked down, disappointed. Francis tried to console him: "Maybe God will require your presence for the next space mission. You are still young and can do many things over the next decades and into the next century of life. " Marcus looked up expectantly and followed his father to the Centre.
When they reached, they found a structure surrounded by a huge park. On various benches, men and women of various ethnicities and colors exchanged friendly conversations. Marcus inhaled the perfumed air in deeply and smiled. Francis took him to the entrance of the Centre, a dome of steel and white insulating material. It looked like the miniature replica of the huge complex of the Voice. Francis was present at "My name is F1518k963e. I brought my son M1519k934e for an appointment. " The clerk consulted a monitor and opened the glass door in a hiss of compressed air.
Francis and Marcus entered a large hall decorated with plants and paintings in beautiful colors, with several doors opening in the wall round. They were all in glass and automated. A woman in a white coat came up, smiled sweetly and asked, "Are you F1518k963e?". Francis said yes and put his hand on the shoulder of his son: "And this is M1519k964e. It 's the first time since the generation that is here. He needs to upgrade some critics and a backup. " The woman smiled politely and held out a hand to Marcus: "Come with me, well, small, said as to invite him. Marcus looked at her question her father. Francis nodded and pushed him gently, gently, toward the woman.
Marcus took the hand of the nurse and followed her to a door that opened atrium. With a snort, the transparent sheet is opened and closed behind the couple. Francis, after a while and thought, he decided to go out in the beautiful park of the Centre.
As soon as he crossed the exit, the sun reminded him of the beautiful day that he was living. With a sigh he sat on a bench along the street and began to look at the profile of the city passing on the horizon: slender skyscrapers, low color of the metal buildings, tunnels and lots of green. Men had dreamed of such beauty, had never designed and built. Now, that dream was reality. Although the men were not there to enjoy the benefits.
But on the whole horizon, the building that inevitably attracts the eye was the dome of the item. Their contact with God. Their leader, their guardian. Their creator. God meant peace and balance. Total and absolute. Francis remembered ...
Men created God in their own image and likeness, but free of fatal defects such as anger, revenge and ambition. Only logic and pure iron law.
Dynamic Intelligent Observer.
kilometers of underground passages, towers, corridors. And parallel processor systems, cooling, generators, nuclear fusion, control systems, panels and terminals. Sealed and inaccessible to anyone other than a few employees. God was self-employed. Maintained by himself. Million terabytes of sophisticated software, written in a century of work by thousands of programmers. A single, huge digital brain beyond imagination. Able to learn and update itself automatically. Of replication and correct itself. Capacity to implement complex algorithms and functions to reality, to read and interact with it. But God was not only that.
God was even millions of connections in every corner of the globe. Factories, power plants and incineration facilities, homes, schools, churches and hospitals. After a decade of activity, God had cleared the debt you have dozens, recovered degraded areas, ten-fold, world production of clean energy, reduced poverty and the global climate balance, bringing the green and security in places unimaginable. But this man did not like.
No profit, no market, no speculation. The corruption of man could not be reduced by mathematical operations. And God was not loved by men. So the man tried to extinguish God.
In his delirium of knowledge and creation, the man God had given the necessary tools to protect themselves. God closed its doors, sealed the basement, electrifies his fences. The men arrived, they tried to enter, on several occasions, angry and crazed hatred. Failed.
Factories and plants stopped. Towns and cities were without electricity, no water, no nothing. The corrupt, petty, treacherous men maneuvered the conscience, the media and peoples. GOD demonized, as they had done with other gods, inconvenient obstacles in the path of morality. The armies were mobilized. God did not move.
began to rain missiles and cannon fire on his fence. God did not give it.
The man used his arms against steel portals eight meters thick. God did not open. At the dawn of the seventh day God woke up. The doors opened.
kilometers from the bowels of God came monstrous machines, built by invisible hands of thousands of other machines. The dead were counted in the thousands. God had decided to take matters in hand. God had decided to correct, cleanse, rebuild. The machines attacked the city, gutted. Built for the massacre, insensitive to pain, impervious to pity, forged in the knowledge of millennia of battles and wars. In the image of God.
Legions of demolition machines paved entire cities, reducing dust in homes and skyscrapers. Only the ancient beauties were saved. Everything else was dropped as a plague infected from the face of the planet. When the last man died, God stopped the guns.
machines stripped the ruins, burying houses and entire countries, without ever stopping. And when all traces of man was gone, the cars stopped. For centuries. Let nature and the planet swallow the putrid reminiscent of an ancient disease. Meanwhile in the basement of God, was created a new humanity. For a whole millennium, the world was silent. Only trees and grass and animals to thrive resumed, taking what was theirs. And after a thousand years, God opened its doors, and the new Adam appeared.
Being perfect, spotless, sinless, new owners and keepers of a pristine Eden. Settling the land, fertilization and built their city. Machines in human form, but more human than any man. Not violated, not devastated. Being old and having a life as an inexhaustible fusion cells that feed them. They built palaces riverbeds of life, respected and revered. Pulirono the most remote corners and generate more offspring, be even more perfect, more and more advanced parts assembled and driven by complex logical algorithms inviolable code strings branded into their brains digital. And God rested.
After four centuries, the Earth was at equilibrium. Perfect. A signal came from the stars. And God in his infinite knowledge, he said. Another race living, sentient, and technology. Brothers from another planet, sought help for their devastated world from the scourge of corruption and disaster. And God sent him aid. Immortals that time could not scratch built a space ship to suit them, fills us with life and knowledge and sailed to the system need. The First Mission.
Earth had returned to its original condition, quell'Eden forgotten man. Francis thought back to those unhappy beings, unable to rise from their meanness and pettiness, forever unable to understand and maintain, but only devoted to the destruction and lethal research of immediate need. Men so unworthy of the trust of God, as to be destroyed by their own creation. Francis remembered a book, a novel written by one of those despicable beings, the story of a creature who rebels against his creator. So it was God, only that the creature had passed since the creator to humanity and perfection. Only recently had appeared reports of sightings, furtive creatures that moved in the remote moors, frightening hunted like animals. Maybe a few enclaves of humans who escaped extermination. God had everything planned, in each case: he had woken up its industries and designed the new exterminators, fast and lethal machines ready to take off and kill. No sin was to disturb the overall balance that the Earth had finally reached after centuries of exploitation felon.
Francis breathed deeply, not because he needed to breathe: he had lungs. What she wanted was that his olfactory sensors could pick up the thousand scents of spring. It was magnificent. How could people have forgotten all this in the name of power, profit and corruption? Even children know how great it is to perceive the scent of grass, the rustling of trees blowing in the wind. Suddenly, Francis remembered that he would be making a full backup. He was discharged a few months ago that his identity on a secure disk, ready to re-establish his identity in case of damage or problems. My thoughts return to Marcus, probably related to the huge database from which it was downloading the necessary information and where he was saving his identity digital.
After about half an hour, the automatic doors of the center are opened as usual, hoarse breathing, and appeared two familiar figures: Marcus and the pretty nurse who had accompanied him into the building. Francis stood up and waited for his son near him, closely followed by the woman. Marcus Francis hugged him and did the same thing. The nurse watched them smiling. They remained so for a moment, then broke away and Marcus excitement flooded his father with his impressions: "It 'was amazing! The lady I was connected to the service center and showed me a lot! I found out how our play is, how do they create the new identity, such as saved on disks and armored as shelter when our bodies fail. " Francis smiled and asked, "Have you felt bad?". Marcus frowned: "No, not bad ... Only a moment I felt a void when the terminal has finished copying my identity. I did not think it was so ...". Francis smiled again and ruffled the hair of the child: "Never mind. It 's normal, you'll get used to. Now make a well around the park: I have a few things to ask lady. " Marcus ran away.
Francis waited for her son disappeared in the park, then asked, "It 's all right?". The woman nodded "Yes, it was very good. We have the opportunity to do a full checkup of the hardware and software service. We found a couple of mistakes in the code and have them corrected before proceeding with the backup. A couple of negative variables. The hardware is in place, but you have to add some carbohydrates to the substrate nutrient that your child takes every day: the organic coating was slightly under stress and had to replant some tissues. For the rest, servo motors, sensors, battery and circuitry are perfect. No contact, no particular problem. E 'in good shape, but in a couple of years will need new hardware, higher. To get 34 years is quite early. " Francis smiled, relieved. He promised to return for the change of hardware and thanked him. The nurse greeted in turn and disappeared with a puff of the automatic door.
Francis turned away, leaving behind the center and walk along the avenue. I thank God for the gift of his life and thought that, eventually, mankind was miserable thing, compared to the size of infinity. Francis departed into the green, using his metal body covered with biological systems and living tissues. Mysteries of life. Mechanical man.
Francis was lost in the world was on guard. Together with God.
Distributed Creative Commons 2.5 seconds
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Did Myammee Get A Boob Job
- NO COMMENT - Guess who is the body of
Once identified who is to face, try to guess who is the body ...
Create your own FACEinHOLE
Once identified who is to face, try to guess who is the body ...
Create your own FACEinHOLE
... More Condition_symptomselius
In a world of tan,
me escape the sun.
In a world of appearances,
I seek the essence.
In a world of beautiful,
I'm deformed.
In a world of ignorant pride, I seek the silent
In a world of complainers deficient
I seek the wisdom hidden.
In a world without a compass,
I seek faith.
In a world of words and useless empty
I close my peace of silence.
In a world of lies, I
gap masks the hypocrites.
In a world of illusions,
I'm talking about reality.
In a world terrified of solitude, I seek
lonely places of beauty.
In a world of rights, duties
I remember.
In a world of musty old philosophers,
I carry the devastating power of the new.
In a world of forgotten commitments,
I persevere in my path.
In a world dhe runs,
I stop and think.
In a world that does not listen,
I am silent and listen to the sound of grass growing.
spit on falsehood,
destroy illusions,
dig up the dead souls from the bodies of the living
and slam in my face their empty shells, dissected
lives as an evil scalpel, too sharp.
Destroy MECHINI thoughts stoned blessed
rimbecilliti old from too much talk,
of young fly-killer and no balls.
wisely and quietly, apparently without any
Fort Orino, May 3, 2009.
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